Little Miss Friendly

Little Miss Friendly

Little Miss Friendly is the official hostess and living logo of the Southwest Washington Fair. The Little Miss Friendly program began in 1968 as the living symbol to help market the fair and showcase how the community defined Southwest Washington, “friendliness”.

Each summer the Southwest Washington Fair hosts a contest to appoint the new Little Miss Friendly. The contest is open to 8-10-year-olds. The 2024 Little Miss Friendly will spend 6 days at the fair greeting visitors and promoting the fair. During the year of her reign, she will attend parades, coronations, teas, and many more events as the official representative of the Southwest Washington Fair.

Introducing the 2024 Little Miss Friendly Top-Five finalists:

  • Justice Barton, 8, of Chehalis. Her parents are Michael and Abby Barton.
  • Avery Butler, 8, of Chehalis. Her parents are Chris and Kassey Butler.
  • Avery Mordick, 9, of Chehalis. Her parents are Scott and Rachel Mordick.
  • Kimber Serl, 9, of Chehalis. Her parents are William and Amanda Serl.
  • Hadleigh Westover, 8, of Morton. Her parents are Nick and Shaleesa Westover.

Check back next year for the 2025 LMF Application!


1909 South Gold Street
Centralia, WA 98531
Phone: (360) 740-1495

Office Hours:
Mon - Fri: 9:30 A.M. - 4 P.M.
Closed: 12:00 P.M. - 1 P.M.
