Volunteer at the Fair?
Do you want to volunteer at the fair? Call the fair office and we will find an opportunity for you, P. 360-740-1495 or email SWWFair@lewiscountywa.gov.
We will need this volunteer agreement completed. We need volunteers to assist with keeping the grounds prepared, in the office preparing tickets, working in Excel (if you have the skills), helping with all sorts of administrative tasks - the Fair doesn't happen without so much community support through volunteers!
Become or Assist a Department Superintendent?
We are also looking for people who have a passion for one of our Departments to either help an existing superintendent (perhaps some succession planning?) or become a Superintendent. Contact our office at 360-740-1495.
Become a Fair Advisory Board Member?
Are you interested in becoming part of our Southwest Washington Fair Advisory Board?
The Southwest Washington Fair Advisory Board (SWFAB) was created to make recommendations from the public to the Director of Parks & Recreation regarding the annual Southwest Washington Fair. The SWFAB consists of five to seven representatives who are appointed by the Board of County Commissioners for four year terms. Additional ad hoc members are the Parks & Recreation Director, Events Manager, and a Lewis County Commissioner.
Southwest Washington Fairgrounds Advisory Board meetings are held monthly on the first Tuesday of the month in the Historical Building on the Fairgrounds and public comment is welcome!
Current Fair Advisory Board Members: Thomas Larson (Chair); Sybil Kuhn (Secretary); Kendra Meek; Edna Fund; Joshua Heinricher; & George Dodd
We have one vacancy at this time. Complete a Board Application here!